Important dates

  • Monday 3rd August 2015 - Registration open
  • Tuesday 1st September 2015 - Deadline for titles and abstracts for contributed talks
  • Wednesday 30th September 2015 - Online registration deadline

Before the school

The school will largely be comprised of practical sessions where each participant will have the opportunity to follow a series of exercises in each session to gain important practical experience in various aspects of the code, such as generating initial conditions, adding new physics modules, etc..

There will be an installation and setting-up session near the beginning of the week to ensure all participants have all necessary dependencies installed to run GANDALF successfully. However, please come prepared; this will save time for us all and allow us to focus on the rest of the content of the school. Please have the following packages installed on your laptop (more detailed information is provided in the GANDALF user guide):

  • Python 2.7
  • The standard set of scientific packages (i.e. matplotlib, numpy, scipy)
  • A c++ compiler
  • SWIG
  • Any basic plotting package (e.g. gnuplot)

Files for the school